1. Call them and find out who is a prospect and who isn’t! (we call people who prove themselves to be non prospects “suspects”)

    You will make enjoy making calls better if you know what exactly you want to call them for and what you want to accomplish in your appointment.

    It’s best to keep “making the appointment” and “sharing the information” separate. For example, if I call you up to invite you for dinner, I’m just calling two minutes to see if you’d like to get together for dinner… I’m not cooking dinner or sending you food over the telephone receiver.

    Then make a script with the goal of getting an appointment. Your work will be so much easier if you just have to read a script as you talk to your prospect on the phone. Make sure you stay on the phone no longer than 2-3 minutes at max.

    Making contact with prospects is all about quantity. You will feel less frustrated if you have a big list and make many calls, rather than having a small list of people you think are great and go through it slowly. Prospecting is like pulling off a bandage: the slower you go the more painful. The faster you go the less pain and the sooner you get it done and over with.

    Then prepare yourself for a successful meeting with your client. Consult your superior. Good luck

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