my scary storie beileive me its true ?

herman miller

It was January 4th and i was sleeping in my coasy bed its was a stormie winter night and my mom and dad were not home they were at my aunts since it was there wedding anniversary it had been 5 years
but she lived in moncton . All of a suddent the phone rannngggg Dringg , Dringgg soo i answerd It was my mother she said : sweety were not comming home til the 6th cause we are having bad weather over her roads are blocked … soo i haung up the phone and was a bit stressed of being all alone for two days stuck in my house . :s sooo i went back to bed . The next day i called over a friend to see if she coulde sleep over . and mabey an houre later she had arrived we sat down white some popcorn watched some tv Whene all of a suddent we heard a noise comming from the attic soo we let it go and watched tv again mabey a houre later we heard it again but even louder soo we went up in the attic to check it out we didnt find noting but a old brown chess full of dust but it was locked teh locke was old and rusted sooo we went in the basment to get a hammer and went backupstairs and busted the lock we opend it had some stuff from like 1846 i beileive it had this old old old dress and a pipe and a old bottle of milk and a brown hat and old rusted sowing machine and a old reocrd player whit an old record in it and las a big brown photo albume soo we took its and brought it in the kitchen soo we had some fun whit it turn on the old orchestra music and got dressed in the old clothes lol and took it off and layed them on the floor and stoped the music and opend the old photo album and had this old artical from an old news paper saying that miller cemetary had been destroyed and another one saying weird stuff at miller farm with a photo of a old family and turned the page and there was that family again there was a man dressed in farmer clthes and a lil boy and girl and a mom in a old dress the same dress that was laying next to me on the floor wow it was cool but scary soo we turned the page and found a artical saying Laniethe Miller Sick Death is comming so we turned the page and there was a old cemetary Named the Miller cemetary and saying that Laniethe miller had passed away on July 3 soo we closed the album and looked in the the chess an found another box and opend it and there was a old journal (diry) and jar whit some words on the jar saying Laniethe Millers urn i screamed my friend took a napkin and layed it on the table and poored the urn on it whene all of a suddent the window opend and a breeze came in and the urn flew away on the dress so we decided to pick it up later and opend the old journal and read the fisrt page it said today My husban Herman Miller builed a new house for us over the Miller cemetery but i dont like it The second page said I feel treathend but i dunno why i have this weird feeling whene im in my new house . the third page said today i heard a lil girl crying in my attic and it had a picture of the attic and it look the same thing as my attic wait it was my attic soo i tought a lil bit and it meant this was my house means my house was built over my attic and i told my friend and all of a suddend the old record started playing all alone and the old dress stood up whit this yougne pretty girl in it she hair long curly hair and it was the same girl from the albume she stood there staring at us as if she was happy and she just flew away whith the dress and all of the urn dissapeard whit her but before she left she told us to turn to the last page of the journal soo we did and it sais thx for freeing my spirit and good luck would come to us soo we put away the stuff and buiried it in the woods of the back of my house and decided to never speak of it againe .


  1. i don’t know what you’re asking but you need more punctuation, a spell checker, an some flow. don’t just say what happened, build suspense and give descriptions other than just ‘old’

  2. If this is true :

    I wouldn’t have even gone up in the attic if I was in your shoes.

    And if that Ghost thing ever came up to me like that—I would ran to China.

    If this is just a story:

    Great ending. Your spelling and grammar is horrible though. Sorry. Put it on Microsoft Word girl.

  3. i believe you, it may seem fake what your saying but alot of weird stuff happened in my family O.O Good thing you called a friend over, wouldn’t want to be alone when that happened o.o Did u tell your parents? You should, my parents would believe me if i told them something like that =O What an interesting event, was that like one of your ansestors or something? Well at least you got to meet them…even tho their soul was lingering around your house.

  4. you really need to fix up your spelling. but other than that the story was totally awesome. seriously if it had been me that had seen the ghost then i probably would have fainted. if you made that story up all by yourself, then keep doing stuff like that. if you improve your spelling you could be a great writer.

  5. I actually think this has a lot of potential. Besides the big long run on sentence.

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