is a volunteer layoff the right choice for my mom?

herman miller

my mom is separated with 4 kids works at Herman miller full time and they asked her and a buch off other employees to layoff voluntarily in the past when it was really bad many were laid off or lost their jobs my mom was lucky she has been there for more than ten years so they kept her but now she thinks it might be smart to layoff voluntarily go on unemployment is this a good idea what are the pros and cons
and one more thing can she go on food stamps if shes already on unemployment and there is no child support
i know you think of it as uiting but the buisness is really bad and the company has asked the employees to be laid off she thinks its a good idea becuase if she is not layed off voluntarily she will lose her job entirley if she volunteers its just for three months and the company has said you can apply for unemployment


  1. She’s quitting her job, why should she get unemployment? She needs to stick it out or look for another job.

  2. For one, she would be basically quiting and therefore would not receive unemployment. Thus, the company asking for volunteers. She needs to stick through it until they lay her off. Then, she could apply for unemployment.

  3. I presume they are offering her some sort of severance package to persuade her to volunteer. Her decision really has to be based upon that. If nothing special, she’d be nuts to volunteer.

    And she’d best verify that she’d be eligible for unemployment.

  4. No, I don’t think your mom should volunteer to be laid off. Unless she gets something in writing from the company, they can always say that she quit and she won’t be able to collect unemployment. Your mom should stay as long as she can. If she’s going to get laid off, let the company lay her off. Good Luck!

  5. if you “choose” to be laid off (that means if you do it voluntarily) I don’t think you can collect unemployment. You’d have to lose your job totally if you want to collect unemployment comp and receive food stamps.

    The best thing is like our city has done, give people a day or so off unpaid per month. It’s better than half days and you still keep your job.

  6. If the company will still let her collect unemployment, then she should take voluntary layoff. While she’s off, she can still see if she can find a better job.

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