How do I report eBay for costing me a sale?

herman miller

How do I go after eBay?
I listed a rather unique Herman Miller Lounge Chair. My reserve was $500. it was met within 2 hours of listing the auction, only to see the next morning eBay cancels my auction because I asked for cash for local pick up.

I relisted it and reworded it and tried to get back my two power bidders. They were emailed my auction was canceled but no reasy why. Thus ebay wounded my reputation because after emailing the top power bidder, the bidder assumed I did an illegal action. Thus the bidder moved onto other things.

How can I go after eBay for taking away my sale? eBay wont address my problem and dont seem to want to stand accountable for their rash decision of canceling my auction prematurly.
How do you sue an internet company without it costing a buttload of money?


  1. Frankly, they’re likely too big to go after and actually get any monetary satisfaction. I’d just move on…and make sure to share your story with other people; enough folks get to talking, and maybe eBay will change a few policies.

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