How does this fantasy basketball team look?

herman miller

Did autopick and its a 12 team roto league


PG Brevin Knight (PG)
SG Andre Iguodala (SG, SF)
G Luol Deng (SG, SF)
G Mike Dunleavy (SG, SF)
SF Shawn Marion (SF, PF)
PF Danny Granger (SF, PF)
F Ron Artest (SF)
F Caron Butler (SF)
C Brad Miller (C)
C Eric Dampier (C)
Util Jamal Magloire (C)
Util Boris Diaw (PF,C)
BN Elton Brand (PF,C)
BN Daniel Gibson (PG, SG)

FA’s are Herman, Acie Law, Belenelli, Brent Barry, Chris Duhon, Haywood..those are like the top 10 guys available at the moment,the rest are taken since each team is so big.

What to do with Brand? When is he coming back? Should i stick with him

I drafted him before he got injured and so I thought he would be a contributor for my off rebs

Well i have hole in the PG and assists dept and a little bit on the C dept….I have above average rebounders from the forward slots so rebounding isn’t an issue at all

Any advice?


  1. I agree that your PG position is a little weak. If I were you I would shop around and see if you could trade for a better one as it sounds like your FA list is a little dry.
    I wish I knew a little more about Brand and his injury but with only 2 bench spots I wouldn’t wait around long for him to come back. You could use the rotation in case someone gets hurt or isn’t playing. I do like your big me though. I think you have a great team for as big as the team and the league is. See what you can get for a PG and I think you will do alright. Good luck.

  2. thats a good team in a 12 deep league….dunleavy and granger will have big years…love deng….marion obviously and buter, andre, and artest are good….just keep ur eye on those FA PG’s thoughout the season

  3. To be honest with you man, this team is average at best. Autopick can mess you up sometimes. In my opinion it’s better to do a live draft, or atleast pre-rank before the autopick so you’re more likely to get who you want. I pre-ranked in a 12 team league and this was what I ended up with…

    Kirk Hinrich
    Peja Stojakovic
    Dwight Howard
    Darko Milicic
    Mark Blount
    Andre Miller
    Stephon Marbury
    Zaza Pachulia
    Antonio McDyess
    Derek Fisher
    Trevor Ariza
    Nenad Krstic

    That’s more of a desirable squad. top ast, top scorer, top rebounder, and top 3pt shooter. I was lucky to land all those, but you don’t have any legitimate stars other then Marion who’s production/minutes may be doubtful based on the trade rumors. You got enough decent bigs so I’d use a few of them to trade off for some better PG’s. Good luck though man.

  4. Well.. Here:

    -You need another playmaker. You’ll lose in assists most of the time with only Brevin Knight and Gibson in your PG slots. You might want to trade for an all-star PG, using a forward in your team, since you have a stack of forwards there.

    -Elton Brand isn’t coming back until the All-Star break, I think. You could stick with him, he’s a good bargain/steal pick if he comes back strong. Since you have lots of rebounding/blocking guys in your team, I don’t think you’ll be needing him that much. But if he’s becoming so much of a nuisance, trade him for someone else, like a second-rate PG who can give you pretty good assists, since you need assists badly. You never really know until the season starts. Either trade him now for assists, or keep him for more blocks, rebs, pts, and mins, in the future, when you need it the most.

    -Get rid of Dunleavy, btw. For a C or a PG who can help you more.

    So there. Hope this helps. =)

  5. First of all, you actuall need a good PG on your team. Gibson is not ready to command a team for the whole season. Knight is old and the Clippers already have 2 other PG’s that will get playing time. Get Law because I think that he will be starting once the season rolls around. Brand won’t be back until after the All-Star break, that is four months after the start of the season. Another hole in your department that I see is blocks. 1 person is an average at best blocker. You need to drop Dampier and see if you can get Diop, because he will be starting more games this season. Also, (and I hate to say this because I am a big Marion fan) with his trade request I don’t think that they will allow him to play as much because of it.

  6. Well…I think you know your weaknesses. PG jumps out. Unlike others, I see bigger things for Gibson this year. Hughes is not the PG to run that team, and I think in a bit, Gibson will be the starting PG – I would hold onto him. Due to the auto pick nature of your team and your need for help, I would consider dumping Brand. When he comes back, he will have a lot of rust to shake off and may be eased back into the line up. Herrmann should be in the rotation, but as of now, the Bobcats are saying he’s too small – I don’t see how he doesn’t play, but I would advise staying away from him for now…though his upside is nice. Deng has good value and since you are stacked at SF, I would look to trade him as he could bring you someone like Derron Williams. I like Knight a lot, but with Cassell and now Dickau, who knows how much time he’ll get and I’m sure you’re aware of his injury history. That said, when he plays, his assts and stls are really nice. I would hold onto him for now. oh…I see Acie Law is available…he may be worth picking up right now. Maybe grab him for Brand and then shop Deng for a center like Okafor. I would hold onto Dunleavey…I like him in Indiana. Consider grabbing Haywood…with Thomas going down he may be a good option, especially considering your centers. Hold onto B Miller, though as you will need assts from anywhere you can get it. So…I would dump Brand and get either a Haywood or law and then shop Deng for either a c or pg. Good luck!

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